Have you experienced that embarrassing moment while you are walking and talking with a friend, that you suddenly realize that they are not next you? The amused stares of those around make you feel sheepish and you don't even have ear buds in that would cause others to think you are talking on the phone! I think we have all experienced this at some point in our lives. We became so engrossed in what we were doing, what we were saying...that we became unaware that our company was not longer with us! Mary and Joseph turned around in Luke 2:41-52 and realized that Jesus was no longer with them. How in the world can you lose track of the Son of God? Well, I'll give them this...Jerusalem had been crowded and filled with excitement. Mary and Joseph, Jesus, family, friends and lots and lots of other people had journeyed to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover. There is something about being in the pack...deep in the thick of the crowd...to cause you to lose track of what you are doing! |